Enhanced Independence

Economy Stairlifts Dorset (ESD) thrive on providing a quality stairlift solution. ESD use only the highest. quality products and materials using the latest designs available. Maintain your independence or simply feel confident again when using your stairs, don’t house move get a stairlift usually fitted within a few days of ordering

Stairs with turns

A staircase with turns can encompass anything from spiral to fanned or half and quarter landings. These staircases require bespoke stairlifts to fit the exact proportions of your staircase.

Straight stairs

The most common type of staircase. Straight staircases are those with no turns, landing, or bends in them, and will require a straight stairlift installation.

Warranty & Aftercare

Providing Aftercare & Warranties 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week

Make it stand out

Economy Stairlifts Dorset